Imagine the world where students get a personalized AI assistant for FREE with whom they can chat and discuss all doubts they have for their studies. Also having a tutor to explain them the overall topics.
In KonceptKlear, we aim to bring this to reality.
Explore the topics
Select questions to ask
Review the answers generated by bot and append to db
Answers tailored to clear the concepts using techniques like knowledge graphs, infogrphics and visuals
Connect with students for more doubts
Conduct tutions for students who opt for it
Tutors on-boarding
Tutors can upload their resume write a quiz and join our platform hassle-free
AI bot
AI bot customized to provide best explanations with visuals, graphs etc.. with the aim to clear the concept
Students on-boarding
Students can join our platform for FREE.
Group tuitions
Tutors can solve students doubts and also promote their group tuition
CBSE Curriculum
Complate CBSE curriculum for grade 6 to 9
Collaborative learning
Students can connect with like-minded individuals and do group learning
About Us
Technologist with a vision to redefine education and make it what it is meant to be, make students knowledgeable and future leaders utilizing their intellectual to create change in the society. Having a first hand experience with the Indian education system and its problems, Dhruv decided to use his interests to bring effectiveness, efficiency and equality into the education.
419, Asset Alcazar, Sarjapur Road, Bangalore-562125